Saturday, December 11, 2010

COP Day 11

1.5 Degrees Standing Action.  The youth at COP16 held a banner and flags to recognize the 106 countries who support reducing emissions so that global temperature rises less than 1.5 degrees.

Holding the flags of nations in 1.5 degrees action. 

Felix, a 12 year old boy from Germany, planted one tree for each country at the conference center with the help of world leaders and Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  Felix's goal is to plant trees in every country in the world. 

Youth gathered and planned for a final action at COP16: counting together the 21,000 people who have died because of climate change this year.  It was a very emotional action for many youth, especially those who have lost family and friends due to natural disasters. 

Suseth reading her sign, "1.5 to stay alive" for the final action. 

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